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Artykuły » Regulaminy zawodów na rok 2024 » PGA-DIGI 2024 EN


Official Polish DIGI Championship  

Competition under auspices of the Presidents of PZK & of PK RVG

While PGA-DIGI is the official championship of the Polish radio amateur stations, foreign radio station participation is very welcome.


a) The competition takes place under the patronage of the Presidents of the PZK & of PK RVG. 
b) PGA-DIGI 2024 has a PGA Award Program team that consists of: 
- Sylwerster Jarkiewicz SP2FAP - [email protected]
- Andrzej Bojan SP8AB - [email protected]
- Sławomir Kaliszewski SP4EOO – [email protected]
- Mariusz Ciszak SQ8JCB - [email protected]

c) The person responsible for implementation of the provisions of these Rules is Sylwester Jarkiewicz, SP2FAP.

Contest Periods

Competitions are held every month (12 rounds) on the following dates: 

I 27th January 2024 07.00-07.59Z
24th February 2024 07.00-07.59Z
III 23th March 2024 07.00-07.59Z
IV 27th April 2024 06.00-06.59Z
25th May 2024 06.00-06.59Z
VI 22th June 2024 06.00-06.59Z
VII 27th July 2024 06.00-06.59Z
VIII 24th August 2024 06.00-06.59Z
IX 28th September 2024 06.00-06.59Z
X 26th October 2024 06.00-06.59Z
XI 23th November 2024 07.00-07.59Z
XII 28th December 2024 07.00-07.59Z

General Annual Classification is based on 9 best scores during the rounds in the year.


a) Each participant is required to be familiar with the contest rules and to follow all its provisions. Participation in the PGA-DIGI constitutes acceptance of these Rules. 
b) The PGA-DIGI is open to individual licensed radio operators and clubs located in Polish territory and stations abroad of Poland. 
c) Each participant is required to timely submit his log for score calculations. Please note that all QSOs are subject to verification. Failing to submit the log causes loss of points to others. 
d) When using a special call sign, the score may be credited to the primary call sign. For example, if the station SP4KDX operated as 3Z0PGA - all earned points can be added to the primary call sign SP4KDX. Point aggregation is done upon a request, after each monthly round. 
e) Results achieved by each participant are presented in a detailed reports that may include additional information i.e. on possible reasons for each voided QSO. 

Band and modes
80m band, PSK63 and RTTY - but only segments of the bandwidth allocated for a given mode. BPSK63: 3580-3590 kHz, RTTY: 3590-3600 kHz.

Call signs
a) Use of call sign suffixes like "/p", "/m" or the district number i.e. “/9” in PGA-DIGI 2018 is acceptable and optional. 
b) Use of "/QRP" following the QRP station call sign is not permitted. 

a) Any PGA-DIGI participant may transmit a single signal at any given time, in PSK63 or RTTY. 
b) The same station may be worked only once for contest credit in each monthly turn of the contest, regardless the mode, that is if you worked a station on RTTY you cannot repeat the QSO on BPSK63 and vice versa.


- Time of contacts must be logged in UTC. 
- Use of telephones, radios, internet etc., during the Contest i.e. for the purpose to arrange contacts is not allowed. 

Foreign Entrants

OPEN-DIGI - (power limit <50W)

- in each category using the RBN (Reverse Beacon Network) is allowed.

- Dupes are contacts made with the same station in the same mode. 
- All stations are strongly advised to leave DUPES in the log file. Dupe contacts are not penalized; one does not have to mark them in the electronic log submission.
If the first contact between stations is valid, dupes have 0 points value. If the first contact is not valid, the second (dupe) contact is accepted.
Do not delete dupes!

a) Polish participants will send a control group consisting of the report RSQ number of QSO and a their administrative code (“gmina”), for example: PSK63 - 599 001EL09, or 599 001EL09 on RTTY. 
b) Foreign stations give RSQ + sequential QSO number, for example: the PSK63 - 599 001 or RTTY - 599 001.

QSO Points
Each error-free QSO with a Polish station yields 1 point. Contacts with stations outside of Poland yield no points.


For a QSO to be considered error-free and valid, both correspondent logs need to show correct call signs, reports, control groups, and the QSO time difference cannot exceed 3 minutes.

There are no multipliers in this contest. 

Final Score

The participant final score is the sum of points awarded for his error-free QSOs in the given round. 

The results are calculated electronically. 

a) Logs for the PGA-DIGI are accepted within 24 hours after the end of the contest via upload to the ROBOT PGA ZAWODY:

Prior registration is required. It needs to be done only once and then the participant can upload his logs for all PGA-DIGI rounds and other contests organized by the PGA Team.

- If a participant uses a special call sign (occasional), additional registration is needed to upload the log. 
- The type of modulation in QSO line in the Cabrillo log should be described by two capital letters RY for both RTTY and PSK63.

Upload instructions:

- Open the page 
- Log in 
- Click on the "Upload log" ("Wrzuc log")
- Point to the log stored on your computer (click on the "Przegladaj") 
- Click "Upload" (“Zaladuj”) 


- Use the standard Cabrillo log format. Before loading, close attention should be paid to the generated header and all the records of individual contacts. It is recommended to read the instructions that are available by pressing "Help" ("Pomoc"), before loading a log. 
- Successful log upload is immediately acknowledged as a message displayed on the screen. 
- If you receive errors, the log can be corrected an uploaded again. The robot uses only the last uploaded log for score calculation. 
- In case ROBOT PGA ZAWODY is experiencing technical problems, logs can be sent to: pga.zawody@gmail,com
Please follow the instructions: 
- The topic of the email should contain your callsign ONLY. 
- Log should be attached to the email as an unzipped file.
-The attached file name should be the participant’s call sign ONLY with extension .cbr or LOG. (Eg log SP4KDX station - sp4kdx.cbr, LOG SP8AB station - sp8ab.cbr etc.). 

Example of PGA-DIGI log in Cabrillo format

QSO: 3500 RY 2024-01-23 0709 LY2FN 599 001 SP8OOB 599 003KS01
QSO: 3500 RY 2024-01-23 0726 LY2FN 599 002 SP8JMA 599 005LN02
QSO: 3500 RY 2024-01-23 0728 LY2FN 599 003 SP4HHI 599 015OU01
QSO: 3500 RY 2024-01-23 0740 LY2FN 599 004 SP2IU 599 017BY08
QSO: 3500 RY 2024-01-23 0745 LY2FN 599 005 SP5DRR 599 024WM01
QSO: 3500 RY 2024-01-23 0758 LY2FN 599 006 DL8UAA 599 019


a) Score calculation for for each round starts after all logs were received, that is after 48 hours from the end of the contest. After that time, ROBOT PGA ZAWODY no longer accepts any more logs. 
b) The committee cannot make any corrections to QSOs submitted. All logs are final. 
c) Amendments in the log can be made only by the concerned participant during the upload window. 
d) The score is calculated by a special computer program that analyses all QSOs in all received logs. 
e) The score is based on the error-free QSOs, time stamped in UTC (GMT) + / - 3 minutes. This means that the two corresponding stations are equally responsible for properly logging their contacts, reports, control groups etc. since the QSO must have error-free status in both logs. 
f) If a QSO that cannot be verified i.e. due to log not sent, it receives a 0 (zero) points. 

a) Contest results, including detailed summary for each participant, will be published on the PGA ZAWODY site and Amateur Radio eQTC magazine. 
b) Discrepancies in score calculations, if any, are accepted by email only: 
[email protected] or [email protected] within 24 hour period from the time of "Preliminary Results" posting on the PGA-ZAWODY site. After this period expires, published results shall be considered final and non-actionable. 

Warning! Logs cannot be corrected after the results are published

General Classification 
a) Points earned in consecutive monthly rounds are aggregated and posted as monthly General Classification. 

b) The Annual General Classification is based on the 9 best monthly results achieved by the participant. 
c) In the case of special (other than the primary) call sign use during the PGA-DIGI, the score may be transferred to the primary callsign if it already exists in General Classification, provided that the points were earned in the same category. If, for example, in January the station SP4KDX worked under callsign 3Z02PGA, the points earned under that call sign can be credited to SP4KDX, etc. Aggregation is always done upon request sent to: [email protected] after the publication of official results for that round. 

Awards and trophies
a) For participation of each monthly round, all participants will be awarded Electronic Certificates of Participation. 
b) Winners will be shown in groups in the General Annual Classification, and awarded trophies and titles. 
c) A groups must contain at least 10 participants in order for the winners to be awarded special championship titles and trophies. 
d) Places 1-3 in each group's General Annual Classification will be awarded diplomas, for others - Electronic Certificates of Participation in PGA-DIGI-2020

Participants shall be disqualified for the following reasons:
not observing the PGA-DIGI Rules
unethical conduct, reported by contest monitoring stations (operators authorized to monitor the Contest)
Disqualified participant will have any prizes awarded in all events organized by a team of PGA withdrawn for two years. If participant is disqualified again, he will not be eligible for any prizes awarded in the event organized by the PGA team for five years. 

Final Remarks 
a) Comments on the contest of the event, photographs, etc. QSL cards should be sent to: [email protected] 
b) The contest organizers are not responsible for any damages taking place during the contest, or as a result of participation in the contest. 
c) The contest organizer decisions are final and not subject to an appeal. 
d) All PGA-DIGI error-free QSOs are eligible for PGA and eMK QTC awards and the submission requires no QSL cards. 

PGA Awards credits
All worked PGA districts (“gmina”), confirmed by the contest logs, will be credited to an applicant without the need to present the QSL-cards.


Each operator, participant of PGA-DIGI may receive a comprehensive support from the contest organizers. If you have questions or concerns regarding interpretation of the regulations, write to: [email protected].

PGA-DIGI Sponsors invite all the radio amateurs from foreign countries and Poland to take part in PGA-DIGI-2024.


PGA-Zawody Team


WSZELKIE UWAGI o pracy portalu PGA-ZAWODY zgłoś do: ADMINA - [email protected] lub SP2FAP - [email protected]

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